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Deafening Silence

Expanding on fears of releasing my novels into the world...

It isn't fear of rejection that consumes me. It's not concerns over criticism or the 'literary world' snubbing my children. My biggest fear is one that will most likely happen - nothing.

98% of all published works sell less than 1,000 copies. People are reading less than ever and seldom invest in new voices.

There are 342 million people in the United States. That means, in order to sell 1,000 copies, I have to find the .00000292 percentage who will resonate with my words.

In other words, I'm searching for a needle in a stack of needles.

The overwhelming probability is my babies will not be rejected. They'll be ignored, orphans on the side of the road not given a first glance, much less a second.

So, why write?

The stories chronicled in my two debut novels gave me no other choice. It's been an obsession, an annoying tap on the shoulder most waking moments.

'Tell our tales, please.'


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